How would I best describe my wedding day? In one word… magical. The sun was shining, the sky was clear, the beach was looking spectacular and the moon stood high in the sky. The air was crisp and cold, but I was too nervous (and excited at the same time!) to notice. Preparations began at 10:30 at my Mum and Dad’s holiday house ‘Whitewash Cottage’ in Huskisson (you should take a look – it’s absolutely gorgeous – not to mention a fantastic place for a relaxed holiday!) I thought this would be the perfect place for my ‘getting ready’ photos to take place, with all the nice little details in the background. Gemma, my bridesmaid and I were the first to arrive, followed by a friend of a friend who was putting together a video for us (I am yet to see the end result, but I can’t wait!). Shortly after, Erin from ‘Centre of Attention Hairdressing’ and Belinda from ‘Blush By Belle’ came to start the hair and make-up procession. My mum and Oma had their hair and make-up done, while at the same time helping me finish off some last minute decorations! While I was having my hair done, Gemma painted my toenails and fingernails, and before we knew it, it was time to put on the dress! The morning seemed to go by so quickly, but we managed to have perfect order and we were ready right on time.

The rest of the day is a blur… my Dad picked us up, and we went to Mum and Dad’s house to pick up Keelah (our Newfoundland!) and to dress her up in her new collar with a nice arrangement of flowers from the Shady Fig. She was so well behaved. She jumped into the back of the car right on cue, and was ready to lead us down the aisle. All I can remember is walking down to the beach, with my arm linked with my Dad’s and seeing Danny waiting for me at the end. Everything else is blurred or faded out around the edges, and I could just feel myself giggling uncontrollably the whole way down the aisle. I was so happy – from the inside out. The day was freezing, but I didn’t really feel anything until afterwards. I was on such a high. And Danny looked so handsome all dressed up in his suit with the coolest tie! I am very lucky.

I am so glad that we have such beautiful photos from Dean Dampney (Cloudface Photography). He did a wonderful job, which helped bring back memories and special moments of the day. I am so grateful to have such great photos – otherwise I would have been in such a panic that the day had just gone so fast and I didn’t have a chance to capture any of it. But the photos really reflect the mood of the day and just how perfect it all was.

Afterwards at the reception (at Seagrass Brasserie), it was lovely to catch up with everyone. Danny and I both agree that we were so lucky to be surrounded by all of our family and friends and people we love. It can’t get much better than that! But what a great end to a beautiful day – delicious food, great music (Stewart Harrison Trio) and the BEST company. Thank you to all of you for your heartfelt messages and your blessings. Love to you all.

Tara xx
