One of the biggest benefits of going to China was to be able to hand select our own pieces. In doing that we could get a great variety of sizes, finishes and colours. A lot of our smaller pieces are going to new homes a lot faster than we anticipated which is Kind of great! Our selection is proving popular and being able to offer them a little cheaper is working.
The next few pieces have made it in store for many reasons, some of which is we need some bigger display pieces to help us merchandise. For instance the taller cabinets with timber screening. For storage and display, these pieces are fantastic for us. We love their versatility, without being too big and overpowering. In a stripped blonde finish, they suit so many interiors.
The tiled dark cabinet is probably our favourite piece. It has it’s own personality almost with the mix of colour and pattern in the tiles. It’s won a few hearts and has had the tape measure run over it by many admirers hoping their space allows. It’s such a unique and lovable piece of furniture.
Hope everyone has a great long weekend and makes the most of the welcome warmer weather!
From top to bottom
Tile cabinet (100yrs) $1860 – 155 x 55 x 90
Dongbei cabinet (120yrs) $1700 – 135 x 45 x 149
10 x drawer cabinet (80-100yrs) $1450 – 158 x 45 x 83
Cabinet w/ bookcase (100yrs) $1750 – 135 x 45 x 156
Shandong bench (80yrs) $1100 – 170 x 45 x 92
If any of these are of interest to you or you would like to see more – email us at